Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Just a bit of housekeeping

I completely forgot to thank everyone who voted for me in The Shrimp Salad Top in 09 Awards

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

I totally won and I never win anything actually I just remembered (I had completely forgotten until this moment. Shows how your priorities change huh?) that almost 4 years ago (wow that's forever) I won tickets to see Nick Lachey perform and got tickets to the meet and great.

Up until I met my husband and met my Phoenix baby that was probably the single greatest moment.

But now Nick Lachey moments and new shoe moments are dashed by things like this and this.

But any thank you so much for voting for me!

And hello to all the new followers!

Also I haven't featured a bloggerazzi interview in awhile (because I'm lazy) but I want to start that up again so if you are interested please email me.

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