Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa's Snazzy Red Bag

So talk to me about Blogging etiquette? If you see a great idea on someones blog are you allowed to use it? What if you don't use the idea but maybe call it something different?

Is that ok?

So many rules with all of this and I don't want to offend. 

I'm going to take a giant leap and do it anyhow.

Some blogs I read (maybe one or two) or doing kind of a Christmas list. Dang it that I didn't think of it first and now I want to do the same thing!

I'll call it "Santa's Snazzy Red Bag" starting December 1until Christmas Eve I'll showcase some of favorite things that should be on your Christmas list, your kids list, your husbands, and possibly stuff on my own.

Stay tuned.



  1. Can't wait!Nah, all is fair game on the web (I guess unless someone says you need to link to them or mention their name!)

  2. I love the name of your blog.

  3. you are too funny! Keep up with your new ideas mama!

  4. I found that blogosphere is a very supportive community. I don't mind having someone steal my idea, as long as they don't copy my entire entry or use my image. Another thing that I found really disturbing is when someone is mocking my story in her own blog.

    btw I have a blog award for you on my blog at


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