At 8 months old Phoenix has a plethora of tricks that he can do
- He can wave
- He can say Dada (and the other day I swear he said "Hey Ma!" after his Baby show went off)
- He can crawl. I'm talking full on crawl. Not army crawling or scooting backwards. Full on moving legs and arms. He's been doing this for about a month and a half now
- Pull himself up and pivoting to another piece of furniture.
- Turn the pages in a board book
- He has two of his bottom teeth
- He can crawl up a step
- He can throw a fit. If you don't give him what he wants pronto he does this little screech and tightens his arms and bring them in close to his body
- And he gives the best kisses ever!
- Give commands
- He can grab your face and turn it towards him
- He plays well by himself
- Call us into the room if we're not in there with him
- Use a big boy bathtub
- Pull himself up in the car seat
Today Daddy surprised him with a cupcake. So we decided to let him practice for his big birthday cake in a few months (which will be a huge monkey with a guitar done by Charm City Cakes)...Here's what happens....
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